Saturday, October 12, 2013

Updates posted First flight on my way to Mumbai India

I stopped working on my other blog after I came home from India but I did update my facebook ever so often so here are my updates while waiting on surgery as well as photos of my trip.

Home to Germany

  1. Passports,money, and flight plans ready
  2. My daughter wanting a last before photo before we headed to the airport
  3. She also wanted to take my stuff to be checked. I believe she didn't want me to go
  4. got our tickets and were waiting to board my very first plane EVER!!
  5. Business class baby!! waiting for takeoff
  6. The beautiful sky
  7. My lunch on the flight because they don't offer bariatric meals
  8. getting so close to Germany :)
  9. bluck!! my dessert wine tasted and smelled like pine needles :P
Munich Germany Airport

All the sights and sounds were so different to me. I didn't know any German and it was interesting going through security. They have spaced called nap cabs where you pay to go in and sleep safely in a locked room with a bed. We spent most of our time in the business class lounge oh and did I mention that since we didn't understand anyone we almost missed out

 Munich Germany to Mumbai India

We ended up sleeping most of the flight to India and arrived at around 2a.m. Mumbai time so I was unable to get any pictures. The top 3 pictures are from our flight and the bottom are of India. the 8th one is of the entrance of the Hospital and the last is the view from my room.


The big day is finally here!!

Today I will be heading to the Charlotte airport to board my flight to India!! I cant believe the day is finally here. I've been on my pre-op diet now for 14 long days. I cant say that is has been easy but I just keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it in the long run. 

Originally my surgery was scheduled to be preformed on April 4th but I found out today that it was pushed back to the 8th. The pro to having my date changes is that I will be able to do all my sight seeing before the operation and I know I will be feeling up to it. Then again to me the con is having to wait 4 more days and being on this diet 4 more days.

I'm staying positive about this whole life change and am so excited about the opportunity to not only travel to 2 countries (we will have a layover in Munich Germany going to and coming from India) and being about to have this surgery that will help me finally get to where I want to be in life. I know it has not only been a learning and growing experience for me but with my children watching my determination to achieve my goal I hope that it has taught them that sacrifice, hard work, and determination does pay off.

I'm sure once all this is started and I have more going on I will have more to post. 

Starting weight: 275
begin Pre-op weight: 259
Todays weight: 239
114lbs TO GO!!!!

**PAST POST** 3/24/13 I'M BACK: pre-op diet

I'm Finally back!!!

Since it is now Wednesday the 27th here I now have 7 days till my surgery. YAY!!!

I have been on my pre-op diet for the past 10 days and to be honest it hasn't been easy. It's been I know a week (give or take a day) since I've even cut my computer on. I really haven't felt up to communicating that much. Being a mom in a household of 6 and only being able to eat a tiny amount of food daily while still having to prepare 2 to 3 meals a day can not only be hard but upsetting. 

This is what I have been eating

The first couple days were awful I totally felt like I was starving to death. I have dieted before by means of eating healthy but I have never eaten so little in my life. I know I have to do this for multiple reasons. but that still doesn't make it easy. Thank goodness for the meal replacement shakes. They at least helped me feel fuller.

Before starting this diet I was never one to sit down and eat 3 meals a day. I mostly snacked here and there and we all sat down for a big dinner together. So my first plan of attack was to come up with a method of reminding myself to eat. Easy pesy since my cell phone goes with me every where I came up with the idea of setting 3 alarms to go off when it's time to eat.

Right now with all the changes and still having to keep up with my house and family I have to say the alarm clock on my phone has really helped out. Not only do I have it set to remind me when to eat, I also have notes to remind me not to forget my Vitamins and it also wakes me up for my workout. I am bound an determined to have my own success story with this surgery no matter what I have to do. I know it sounds crazy having all these alarms but I know I won't be needing them forever it's just helping train me for getting into a routine

Now lets talk about this lovely diet!!
I've posted above what my daily diet consists of but now I'm going to break it down to what I actually get to eat in one day.


1 slimfast 321 plan shake (meal replacement)

1/2 c. plain greek yogert (as a sub for the skim milk since I cant drink milk)

1 slick of Natures own Double fiber whole wheat bread

Either a slimfast or atkins shake

1/2 c. fruit with the juice drained or 1/2 a banana or a small apple or pear


1 of my shakes

1/2 c. 100% fat free low sodium chicken or beef broth

1/2 c. steamed or 1 c. raw veggies

1 slice of whole wheat bread (I find it easier to eat as toast)



1/2 c raw veggies or I can have another cup of broth.

 to stop myself from being tempted to just grab something every night I get my little bowls and pre measure out all my food for the next day and put them on the bottom shelf of the fridge. It's simple easy and fast. I have 5 more days till I leave for India and 7 days till my surgery. I'm extremely excited and grow even more as every day passes. 


**PAST POST** 3/17/13 A quick blurb

I know I've already made quite a few steps in this journey towards a better future but I will always think of today as the day it all began.

Today I officially start my pre-op diet that will last for two whole weeks and then my friend and I will be boarding a plane on our way to Mumbai India!!

I have to admit it's going to take a lot of will power to stick with this diet. But I just have to keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it in the end. A little over a week ago my case manager called to talk about scheduling my flight and surgery and we got it scheduled for me to leave April 2nd and have my surgery on the 4th. Before I hung up she told me to go ahead and start my pre-op diet on March 14th. To be honest I hadn't bought the things on my list to start so I decided to put it off to the next day. On the 15th I ate what was required and drank my protein shakes but didn't have my meal replacement shakes (I know shame on me) for some reason I kept psyching myself out. It's like my brain was telling my stomach it was going to be nasty. Luckily that evening my nutritionist called and informed me that I was actually supposed to start my pre-op diet today March 18th.
Ran out of time. But will have a part two as soon as the kids go to bed. :)

**PAST POST** Just like dynamite he blows me away

Back again for my weekly link up with the ever enjoyableMonday Listicles hosted by 

The weeks topic "10 reasons my partner is awesome" was one of the easiest for me. I could truly go on and on about the wonderful person he is and the things he does for me and others but the list is limited to 10 so I'll just blurb some out. 


1. I'll just start this list off with the most obvious. His physical features rawrrr :). You know the old saying that there is someone out there for everybody. Well I honestly believe James was the one that was made just for me. He is every physical characteristic of a man that I love!! From his strawberry blonde hair and amazing hypnotic green eyes to his perfect height and Popeye muscle bulging arms. After 10 wonderful years he can still give me butterflies.

2. He is my bestest friend in the whole wide world.

3. His inner child- He is so fun to be around. His mind is always racing with ways to improve and/or make things fun. for example: He built a city in the back yard with my youngest using bricks for the skyscrapers, mortar for the roads, and a bridge out of Popsicle sticks. It was truly amazing to look at and he did it all for my son to play with his hot wheels. He and my daughter build a dollhouse from scratch with working lights and carpeted floors. That project got started all because she mentioned that she would like to have a dollhouse.

4. He has helped turn so many of my dreams into reality. Weather it's something as small as always wanting to own a boxer to something a huge as becoming a stronger person from the inside out he has been there to help in any way possible. I can also add to the list that he is the one that made my trip to India for the Gastric Bypass Surgery possible.

5. When I go into hysterics as if the world has ended he's calm as a cucumber and ready to take charge of the situation.

6. He is not a cheater!! Any man that doesn't cheat gets major props in my book. In this day in age there are more and more unfaithful partners and I'm so lucky to have one that is totally against being unfaithful.

7. He supports all my hair brained ideas. 

8. Breakfast in bed and it's not even my birthday.

9. He may not be the father but he is an AWESOME dad to my children.

10. He is an extremely hard worker and he does it not for recognition but because that's just the man that he is.

**PAST POST** 3/15/2013 A DATE IS SET!!!

I'm a bit late on posting this but boy have I been busy. I finally got my passport approved and it arrived Saturday 2/23 which made my day. We finally got to have our niece and nephew over for the weekend for the first time since before Halloween due to my sister-in-laws little meltdown. But anywhoo having them here was great and then to have my passport arrive made it amazing!!

I got with my friend and co traveler the following Wednesday to fill out our Visa Applications and sent those off last Friday 3/1.. With every step I make towards this trip I get just a bit more nervous It's like every time something gets approved it all becomes more real to me. At first I had the attitude that it was all to good to be true. Amazing things like this just aren't out there for regular people like me. Then I got the referral. So I told myself to go for it. After receiving my packet for my passport applications I began to think that something was going to get in the way and I was just getting my hopes of for nothing but the passports were approved and now we're on to the last step before setting the date. Still in the back of my head I kind of feel like Alice in Wonderland wondering if I'm just going to wake up from this land of make believe. So you could now just imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from my case manager this morning. She told me that it will take about 2 weeks to get the visa back but we were going to go ahead and schedule my trip. I honestly felt like I had just answered the door to Ed McMahon holding the big check. 

In the very back of my mind I still am a tad reluctant to let myself believe that this is really happening. But never the less I'm extremely excited and filled with butterflies. As it stands right now my friend and I will be leaving April 2nd for Mumbai India. We will be stopping over in either Munich or Frankfurt Germany on the way there and back. It's also exciting because I'm not only getting to go to one country. We'll be stepping foot into two countries. The layover will be for 3 hours which gives a little time for site seeing too :)

Mumbai is where I will be going

Here is the hospital 

A look at one of the patient rooms

I've been told that the entire trip one way is going to take 24 hours. So even thought we are leaving April 2nd we will not arrive until the 3rd and then my surgery will be done on the 4th. Of course I'm expecting things to go well without any complications and if it does we will be gone for two weeks which means we will be getting back on the plane to return home on the 16th. I will have more to tell as the date gets closer. Right now I just thought I'd let it out that I HAVE A DATE FINALLY SET!!!! YAY!! 

For now it's sticking with my diet, exercising, and WATER,WATER,WATER. Soon I will be starting my pre-op diet and when that starts I'll fill you all in a bet more. Bye for now :)

**PAST POST** Lest's work on those arms


Going to be focusing on my flabby arms this week. Here are some of my favorite videos to go along with 


Keep Motivated and have a great week!!

**PAST POST** eating lite done right BREAKFAST

A weeks worth of great recipes I have found on pinterest that are super yummy and good for you.

Baked Strawberry-Banana Oatmeal

Healthy breakfast hash

Whole-Grain Waffles with Sliced 

Strawberries and Yogurt

Breakfast Burrito Quesadillas

Healthy Breakfast: Breakfast Taco

Overnight, No-Cook Refrigerator Oatmeal 

fruit tacos with chocolate tortillas

**PAST POST** 2/22/2013 Checking in and rambling on

It was before Valentines day that I last checked in other than my link ups and time really seems to be dragging in a way lately.

It's unexplainable how time can fly but drag at the same time. It's flying because there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get done everything I need to do. Yet it's dragging because I'm still waiting on my passport to arrive and also James' tax refund. 

How was everyone's Valentines day??

I would have to say mine was the best I have had of all time. First and for most I'm not to big on Valentines day for the simple fact that I don't think one day out of the year should be used to show someone how much you love them. I believe that should be done year round. As I have said before James is not the lovey dovey smooshie type. He wasn't raised hearing "I love you" and he's not one to just throw that around and abuse the phrase like so many others. At first I didn't like the idea of not hearing those 3 little words but I've gotten used to it and actually not hearing it day in and day out makes it even more special when he does say it. O.k. I'm For our valentines we went out of town alone. He spoiled everywhere we went that afternoon. We started the evening at the mall where I got him a new fishing pole and a bunch of tackle(I chose to think outside the box this year and he really loved it). He got me a dozen beautiful chocolate covered strawberries. Even though I had told him no candy or sweets this year. But I couldn't be mad at him it was so sweet and the darn things were almost $6 each. Then to conclude out lovely day together he took me to one of my favorite restaurants called Razzoo's which is an AWESOME Cajun restaurant. Then it a hour drive back home to a quite house since the kids were already in bed.

The next day was one I will never forget. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted a boxer. Since being with James I figured I might as well hang that up being that he is a tried and true pitbull lover. Don't get me wrong I love them too, but I still secretly longed for the dog of my dreams. WELL, that dream came true Feb. 15th.

I am now the super excited proud owner of my very own 8 week old German Boxer "BRUTUS". He is a silly little buddy. Day one he basically slept all day but after that he has been nothing but a little bundle of energy that makes me laugh a lot!. I am now in the process of crate training for the first time and let me till you! At first it was very challenging until I sat down and googled how to do it properly and found out I was actually doing it all wrong. Now he is doing GREAT and no more whining when he has to go in it, HA and no accidents in the house either. I have to say he is a really smart little guy.

I have started a new way of working out that is really working for me. I don't know why I didn't see it before. I used to wait till everyone was in bed and I was totally exhausted before I did my workout. It was working but I was not enjoying it and you know if your not enjoying yourself your not going to stick with it. Well the idea came to me a little over a week ago while passing by and seeing my oldest son in his room lifting weights. I walked in and asked him how many reps he could do before getting tired. After watching him I repeated it. It was almost amusing seeing the look on his face after witnessing his out of shape mama doing the same as he had just done. So I decided that as a way of supporting each other we could weight train together. He liked the idea and honestly I loved it. Not only are we there for each other it's extra one on one time with my 14 year old son. Well that took care of my weights now what about cardo? There again right in front of my face. My daughter loves doing the Just Dance games on the Wii and PS3 and again a good way to have one on one time with her plus I'm more motivated to try to keep up with her while sharing lots of laughs and dancing our tushes off. So far I'm truly loving my new workout methods and am hoping to find something I can do with my middle child to get him off the couch and moving around more.

I told myself a while back that I wouldn't buy any new clothes till the old ones where falling off. I tried to stick with the thought but it didn't really work. I got so tired of my baggy pants and honestly felt ugly while wearing them. So one day while at a second hand store picking up a blanket for Brutus' crate I chose to get one pair of jeans so that I wasn't always walking around in super baggy clothes. To my surprise and excitement I discovered I had not only gone down a size but actually 2 whole sizes YAY ME!!!! I love my snugger newish jeans and am so happy I'm even closer to my goal weight of 125-30 Lbs. I haven really talked about my starting weight because I felt ashamed for allowing myself to get that big. I am going to post the two pictures that did it for me. Looking at them disgusted me to the point that I knew it was time for a change.

I was 275lbs and absolutely sick and tired of being sick and tired and of being big. I wasn't always a big girl. But I had been for the majority of my life so far. I suffered from depression as a teen and I'm not saying that's 100% to blame for my size but it didn't help and then I suffered a bout with PPD after my 3rd child was born and a I ballooned up again to almost 300lbs. Which to this day is the biggest I have been. Since then it has been an up and down roller coaster. NO MORE!! As I've said many times before and I will continue to repeat it. This girl is making major changes for a better life. I WILL FINALLY BE HAPPY!!!


As I sit here with my passport application on it's way to the Department of State for approval and so many feelings and emotions running wild I guess I should finally clue you (my readers) in on whats going on. As it says at the top of my blog in the description, I am pre-op for WLS, W-weight L-loss S-surgery. What it doesn't state is that I will be traveling to India to have my surgery. Why so far you may ask? Well.....

My husband works for a wonderful company that provides a medical program for it's employees and their dependents. The program sends them to some of the greatest surgeons in their field in order to have surgeries or to get medical attention needed so that they may begin to have a better healthier happier life. Given the choice to either have my surgery in Costa Rica or India I chose India. Gastric Bypass is one of the many operations available. They also perform Knee replacements, Shoulder replacements, Spinal disc replacements, Spine fusion, and even dental implants Just to name a few. For me a really awesome part is that there is no cost to myself and a friend or family member unless we want to buy souvenirs. I've heard others make such positive statements about their own personal experiences so I can't wait to have mine to share as well. I will be sharing those experiences here on my blog as I go along. 

I'm really excited and nervous about going on this trip being that this will be my very first time on a plane and only my second time out of my home state, not to mention my first real trip!! I have my faith in God that he will be with me and watching over me and I will follow his guidance along the path that I need to be on. I know this is what I need in order to finally be able to live a happy HEALTHY life. I'm ready to break the cycle of obesity in my blood line and be able to be a positive example and role model for my 2 younger children, who I have witnessed are following right in line with me at that age.


**PAST POST** Makes water yummy


It's been about a month since I had to cut out all sweet/sugar/carbonated drinks in preparation for my upcoming surgery and in order to get used to life after the operation. I started out slowly at first and am now building up to my required water intake needed daily for my current weight. It's helpful to know how much water an individual should intake daily. 8 glasses a day is recommended but people with more body mass actually needs more than that.
measures your weight plus exercise and tells you what amount of water you personally need to be drinking daily. I myself am supposed to be drinking 96 ounces a day. 0_0!



The average serving size for the MiO enhancers measures out to be 1/2tsp. But the best part is that there are no calories!! MiO cost $4.35 a bottle where I live. The nozzle of the bottle is designed to only release liquid when pressurized, which works in together with the firmness of the bottle itself to make accidental squeezes rather difficult. Lastly the bottle is so small it can easily be taken with you everywhere.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: .1/2 tsp
Servings Per Container: 24
Amount Per Serving
Calories 0.0Calories from Fat 0
Total Calories 0Total Calories from Fat 0
% Daily Value* (DV)Recommended DV
Total Fat 0.0 g0%65 g
Saturated Fat 0 g0%20 g, Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg0%300 mg
Sodium 0 mg0%2,400 mg
Potassium 0 mg0%3,500 mg
Total Carbohydrate 0 g0%300 g
Dietary Fiber 0 g0%25 g
Sugars 0 g, Protein 0 g, Vitamin A0.0%
Vitamin C0.0%, Calcium0.0%, Iron0.0%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily vailues may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


Rating: ****1/2
Yes that's right it's not only a flavor enhancer but also ENERGY
enhancer!!! Coming from being an avid Monster drinker to having to cut it out completely this has been a real help for me. I know that once the pounds start falling off I will have more natural energy but right now I need to cheat every now and then. This flavor used at the recommended amount of 1/2tsp taste a bit watered down but but BE WARNED!! using more than the suggested amount can cause your heart to race and make you feel jittery (speaking from experience). Each serving contains 60mg of caffeine!! 

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1/2 tsp
Amount Per Serving

Calories 0
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.0 g 0 %,Sodium 10 mg 0 %
Total Carbohydrate < 1 g 0 %, Sugars 0 g
Protein < 1 g 0 %, Niacin 10 %
Vitamin B6 10 %, Vitamin B12 10 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Ingredients: water, citric acid, propylene glycol, caffeine, contains less than 2% of taurine, guarana extract, ginsing extract, niacinamide, vit b6, vit b12, natural flavor, sucralose and acesulfame potassium (sweeteners), sodium citrate, potassium citrate...

Yet another Yummy water enhancer that also smells heavenly. Average price is $4.00 but Lucky me lucky me I run into an end cap at the store with lots of coupons for $1 off so bonus points on saving money!!! Unlike the MiO the Dasain Drops serving size is 1/3 tsp.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1/3 tsp
Servings Per Container 32
Amount Per Serving

Calories 0
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0 G 0
Sodium 0 Mg 0
Potassium 0 Mg 0
Total Carbohydrate 0 G 0

Sugars 0 G 

Protein 0 G 
Calories per gram:

Fat 9·Carbohydrate 4·Protein 4

(-) Information is currently not available for this nutrient.

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:**

** Percent Daily Values listed below are intended for adults and children over 4 years of age. Foods represented or purported to be for use by infants, children less than 4 years of age, pregnant women, or lactating women shall use the RDI's that are specified for the intended group provided by the FDA.
Calories:2,0002,500Total Fat Less than 65g 80g
Sat. Fat Less than 20g 25g
Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg
Sodium Less than 2400mg 2400mg
Potassium 3500mg 3500mg
Total Carbohydrate 300mg 375mg
Dietary Fiber 25mg 30mg

Rating: *****
Super yummy!! and super cheap. I paid $2.50 to $3.00 for this drink mix. it does taste great and 

Water, Malic Acid, Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Contains Less Than 2% of Natural Flavor, Sucralose And Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Potassium Citrate,Red 40, Yellow 5, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative).

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1/24 Bottle (About 1/2 Tsp.)

Servings Per Container 24

Amount Per Serving Calories 0

Calories from Fat 0

% Daily Value*Total Fat 0 g 0%
Saturated Fat —0
Trans Fat —0
Cholesterol —0
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Potassium —0
Total Carbohydrate 0 g 0%
Dietary Fiber — 0
Sugars 0 g
Protein 0 g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%,Calcium 0%
Iron 0%, Copper —0
Folic Acid —0,Iodine —0
Magnesium —0, Niacin —0
Phosphorus —0,Riboflavin —0
Thiamin —0,Vitamin B12 —0
Vitamin B6 —0,Vitamin D —0
Vitamin E —0, Zinc —0
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Of all the flavor enhancers I've purchased this is the one flavor that gets used the very least. A little goes a long way for sure. Just using the 1/2tsp it gives your water a super STRONG peach taste. 

All in all I am so glad I decided to give these little drink enhancers a try because it sure has helped me get my water daily water intake goal!! 

But if your not into the water enhancers here are some other ways to perk up your water :)

*Purchase some peppermint extract and a dropper and make your own "Minty" water. The extract adds 0 calories and a refreshing taste.

*Give flavored seltzer a chance (The ones without artificial sweeteners) if you can find it see: A Refreshingly Sweet Zero Calorie Beverage With No Artificial Sweetener.

*For you lemon or citrus lovers Squeeze a lemon or lime in your water or buy the powdered form called True Lemon (Which also has other flavors as well). There are no preservatives or artificial colors. 

*Try the book "Cool Waters" by Brian Preston-Campbell. 

*Dilute your favorite juice. Try watering down your juice and see how little juice you can use to make it taste good to you.

*Try a fruit flavored herbal tea. There are some great caffeine-free flavors such as peach, blueberry, and apple. Brew some up and chill it.

Do you have any water flavoring ideas you use that you would like to share. I always interested in hearing and trying new ideas :)