Dec 30th 2013 |
Jan. 1st 2014 |
Don't you just love how much clothing can cover/hide. I'm now down 139lbs and feel great. I'm going to be honest this post has got the be the hardest for me out of any post ever because this has to be the most personal post I have ever posted. We are going under the clothing (somewhat) and revealing the dirty truth of what it looks like to loose large amounts of weight in a short time.
O.K. here we go
It's not easy to show others how you really look but I know it's only going to be temporary. It won't be this year (at least I don't think it will be) but I will be scheduling a full body lift so that I will be able to get rid of all my excess skin. I'm also planning on having my breast lift. I have been big all my life. Yes I have gone up and down like a roller coaster but have never been a healthy size. I still remember my 8th grade picture in the college park year book when I was on the yearbook staff. I was 220lbs then. I finally decided if I was going to do this I was going all the way. I don't just want to feel good in my skin I want to feel great about all of me (and I so totally do but still have more to go). So far I have gone from morbidly obese to finally being a healthy weight (I've lost 139lbs so far). I'm proud of myself regardless.
I kinda wish I had taken before pictures to compare with but when you feel huge and ugly you tend to hide from the camera. Even though I have gone from a size 26 jeans to now 9-10 I still have big thighs. I know once I have the lift a lot of this will be gone and I will actually look like I have a butt..lol. I used to have a huge hunk of meat on the inside of both my knees, Which I still have a little but no where near as much as there used to be.
My poor belly has been through the ringer quite a few times. About 16 years ago I had to have surgery which resulted in a long scar starting at the top of my stomach and ending at the very bottom. I've has my gallbladder removed, tubal ligation, and a hernia repair as well as my first gastric bypass done laparoscopicly and then finally I had my gastric bypass repair that resulted in my having to be opened up and leaving me with another huge scar. As of right now my belly is nothing but a scared of hanging mess of loose skin. I will be so happy to have this removed and tighten. Secretly I hope most of my scar can me removed when they do my belly.
This is one area that isn't really easy to hide
with clothing. I've been trying to tone this area but the more I lift weights the bigger the muscle gets but the skin keeps getting saggier underneath my arms.
All I can say is gobble gobble gobble!!! lol. This lovely dangily skin actually runs in my family I didn't get this gobble till after I starting loosing weight. My Dr. did give me hope by telling me that it for the most part would be temerary. It looks this way because I lost so much weight so fast. She told me it may take six months but since I'm still young-ish the collagen in my face/neck will tighten up on it's own.
(for the most part).
This is a picture taken today of myself and my 15 yr old son standing in the pants I myself weren't even able to fit back in Jan of 2013 because they were to small. These are the only pair of fat pants I kept as a reminder of where I used to be. I was actually in a 26 when I started but somehow ended up keeping a pair of my 24s. It's mind boggling to look back at the old pictures and compare them with pictures taken today. I hardly look like the same person. I of course see myself as bigger than I am until I see photos side by side but in the mirror I still struggle with grasping the fact that I am so much smaller than I think I am. I do feel healthier, more energetic, and whole lot happier but I guess in time I will be able to accept my lighter self and see myself as I truly am. Till then thank goodness for cameras :)